The Status of Black Atlanta (SBA) in an annual report published since 1993 by The Southern Center for Studies in Public Policy (SCSPP). Examples are posted on The SBA examines the disparities in the conditions of black and white Atlantans in area such as business, criminal justice, education, environment, health, housing, income, jobs, the media, and other areas political empowerment. The format is designed to analyze four or five key policy areas in each volume and make recommendations intended to stimulate dialogue among Atlanta leaders about how best to address the city's problems.

click here to go to SBA publications



The Georgia Legislative Review (GRL)  started 1973. The GLR was revived 1991 to be an annual report.  It provides a comprehensive analysis of state legislative public policy actions important to people of color and low income. To date it remains the only publication of its kind to focus on this topic. It examines legislation on 10-14 public policy areas after the conclusion of the annual legislative session. The GLR includes a rating of the 236 members of Georgia General Assembly based on 10 key votes on issues critical to people of color and low income.

click here to go GLR publications