Other SCSPP Activities
Welfare to Work Program Evaluation (1998-2000)
This is a unique project being the first of its kind in the United States. The project involves interim and final assessments of the city of Atlanta’s project involving training, transporting, providing technical assistance and job placement to 500 residents of the Atlanta Empowerment Zone. The SCSPP uses quantitative and qualitative research techniques, including survey instruments with open and closed ended questions, focus groups, observation of training and support services provided and a longitudinal tracking of the participants to evaluate the project over a 30 month period. You can easily access capstone project writing service via the contact form at the main page.
Funded by the U.S. Department of Labor/City of Atlanta PIC.
An Evaluation of the Southeast Community Policy and Leadership Forum (SECPLF) of the Center for Policy Alternatives, (1997-1998)
The SECPLF was designed to provide African American State legislators with technical assistance, leadership skills training and information regarding public policies that are of particular relevance to minority and low income persons. Three major workshops were held in Atlanta, Biloxi and Houston on devolution, environmental justice and model legislation in several policy areas. The SCSPP served as the external evaluator of the first year of this three-year program.
Funded by the Center for Policy Alternatives.
The Positioning of Atlanta Technical Institute (ATI) to meet the Human Resource Needs of Atlanta Metro Business in the 21st Century, 1998
A series of surveys were conducted of Atlanta area businesses, students, counselors and community leaders to determine their knowledge, views and suggestions for program and marketing of ATI to best meet their needs and enable ATI to adapt its programs and be more responsive to its clientele.
Funded by the Atlanta Technical Institute.
Community Development and Empowerment in Three Communities, 1998
The purpose of this project was to identify, train and develop a cadre of youth in Brunswick, Glynn county (Georgia). These youth were trained to serve as resource persons in the environmental area for minority and low-income communities in addressing environmental problems related to Superfund sites. A series of workshops, seminars, simulation exercises, site observation/visits and other activities were provided to approximately 50 youth with the capability to provide assistance to residents of three neighborhoods that were suffering environmental injustice.
Brunswick youth participating in an interactive workshop on using Geographic Information Systems
Funded by the EPA, National Office of Environmental Justice
Evaluation of Trends in Public Involvement in U.S. Army Operations Affecting the Environment, (1995-1997)
This program analyzed trends in perceptions of public interest groups toward: environmental issues; content analysis of media representation of activities; impact of laws and public activities on Army readiness training; public policy (environmental legislation, regulations and executive orders; and environmental justice issues). Through site visits to selected military installations, the SCSPP’s staff was able to administer surveys and hold focus groups to ascertain views regarding the effectiveness of the Army’s community involvement programs.
It was funded by the U.S. Army Environmental Policy Institute.
Fulton County Citizens’ Advisory Board on Consolidation of Services/Privatization, (1994-1995)
Examined the operation of Fulton County and 10 municipal governments within the county with a focus on public safety, wastewater treatment and solid waste management. Coordinated meetings, provided reading materials, facilitated sessions with experts, drafted final report, and assisted in strategy development for the implementation of recommendations.
Funded by the Fulton County Board of Commissioners.
Lead Training and Awareness Project in a Public Housing Complex, (1994-1995)
Provided education and training for tenants of Eagan Homes Public Housing complex and children who attend E. R. Carter Elementary School. Prepared training modules, conducted workshops on lead and health related issues, disseminated materials, and administered pre and post session questionnaires to assess increased levels of information of participants concerning lead.
Funded by the EPA Environmental Justice Office.
EPA-CAU Teachers' Environmental Summer Institute for Middle and High School Teachers, (1994-1995)
The SCSPP planned and implemented a two-week institute for 40 teachers in the eight state southeast region. Developed a program of seminars, workshops, lectures, field trips, laboratory exercises and other enrichment activities to assist teachers in infusing environmental issues into their curricula. We conducted community environmental projects to serve as a resource for their school system.
Funded by the EPA Region IV, Waste Management Division.
An Evaluation of the Culture for Service Program, (1992-1994)
More than 800 students in the School of Education at Clark Atlanta University were required to participate in community service activities and were placed at various nonprofit organizations. The SCSPP conducted an assessment of the program from the 1992-1993 and the 1993-1994 academic years. This program which relied heavily on a survey instrument was administered to all students, faculty and supervisors at the placement sites.
Funded by the U.S. Department of Education.
The Role of National and State Legislatures In Public Policy Making In Nigeria (1992-1993)
The Nigeria project was one of our many international projects. Nigeria began the transition to the Third Republic with the election of 30 state legislatures in 1991 and the National Assembly in 1992. This was to be a three phase project in which the SCSPP organized to help train legislators to better perform their duties. Phase I was a five-week visit to Nigeria to meet with legislative leaders and staff of the National Assembly and nine states and conduct a needs assessment. Phase II involved a four week visit of seven Nigerian legislative leaders and administrators to the U.S. to observe and discuss legislative issues with U.S. Congress pensions, state legislators, staff, academicians, journalists and others; and Phase III was to have involved conducting workshops at seven centers in Nigeria. All preparations were completed to implement this phase, but the November 1993 military coup prevented implementation of the workshops.
Funded by the United States Information Agency (USIA).
Nigerian legislators with Bob Holmes visiting the office of Governor Zell Miller
An Evaluation of the Leadership Institute for Small Municipalities (1991-1992)
This project entailed conducting surveys of the "elite" in 10 urban centers and surveying random population samples in 16 rural and urban communities. The purpose of this project was to assess the participants’ perceptions of the public officials and administrators who completed the training program.
Funded by the National Forum for Black Public Administrators.