The full list of projects can be seen at

1991: A Work Force Diversity Conference:  Moving Minorities From Despair to Hope This project involved coordinating the logistics of a Southeast regional Conference involving academicians, government officials, private and public training agency representatives to examine minorities and future workforce issues and editing the proceedings.  Funding Source:  Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration.


1991: A Human Services Plan and Planning Process for Fulton County An assessment of the human service delivery system in Georgia’s largest county.  County departments, bureaus, agencies and quasi-governmental authorities involved in the human services delivery system in five areas were examined (housing, health, family and children services, job training and aging).  Focus groups, public hearings, and one-to-one interviews were conducted.  Human services priorities were identified, a comprehensive strategy was developed and recommendations were made to improve the system.  Funding Source: Fulton County Board of Commissioners.


1991: Training and Technical Assistance Program for Black Elected Officials and Community Leaders in Southwest Georgia A series of seminars and workshops were provided for community leaders organizing community development corporations, special employment opportunities available for residents of the region and strategies to enhance political influence/mobilization of the minority communities.  Funding Source:   Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor.


1991 - 1992: An Assessment of U.S. Army Environmental Staffing and Training Needs An assessment of 12 installations in the Army Materials Command (AMC), Forces Command (FORSCOM) and Training and Doctrine Command's (TRADOC) current environmental staffing conditions, plans to address staff shortages, available training programs, and how Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) can be supported to enhance their capabilities to meet Army environmental staffing needs.  Site visits were made to 12 military installations to ascertain and assess the current status and needs of environmental staff, university degree programs were analyzed and comprehensive recommendations were made: Funding Source: Army Environmental Policy Institute.


1991: Mongolian Democracy Initiative At the request of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), technical assistance was provided on drafting of the Mongolian Constitution and the creation of an Academy for Research, Training and Administration.  Two weeks of lectures were given at the Academy on various aspects of U.S. national, state, and local government. Group discussions were held with Academy research staff, administrators, and key officials.  Funding Source:  UNITAR


1992: CAU-EPA Conference on Environmental Equity This project involved conducting a survey of citizens' attitudes on environmental concerns in the eight state southeastern region; planning and coordinating a regional conference for 200 grass roots/community leaders, academicians, governmental agency representatives and businessmen which focused on key issues, such as lead, air and water pollution, Superfund, pesticides and hazardous waste; and site selection; and recording and editing proceedings.  Funding Sources: EPA Region IV and EPA National Headquarters.


1992 - 1993: The Role of National and State Legislatures In Public Policy Making In Nigeria Nigeria began the transition to the Third Republic with the election of 30 state legislatures in 1991 and the National Assembly in 1992.  This project was to have involved three phases between 1992-94.  Phase I was a five-week visit to Nigeria to meet with legislative leaders and staff of the National Assembly and nine states and conduct a needs assessment.  Phase II involved a four week visit of seven Nigerian legislative leaders and administrators to the U.S. to observe and discuss legislative issues with U.S. Congress pensions, state legislators, staff, academicians, journalists and others; and Phase III was to have involved conducting workshops at seven centers in Nigeria.  All preparations were completed to implement this phase, but the November 1993 military coup prevented implementation of the workshops.  Funding Source: United States Information Agency (USIA).


1991 - (annual volumes): Georgia Legislative Review Provides a comprehensive analysis of the annual sessions of the Georgia General Assembly.  This report remains the only publication of its kind which examines the impact of public policies enacted by the legislature on minority and poor Georgians, rates each legislator, and provides information that can be used by community based leaders in their effort to impact the legislative process in Georgia.  Funding Sources: Clark Atlanta University.


1991 and 1992: An Evaluation of the Leadership Institute for Small Municipalities (LISM) Project entailed conducting surveys of elites in 10 urban centers and random population samples in 16 rural and urban communities to assess their perceptions of the public officials and administrators who completed the training program.  Funding Source: National Forum for Black Public Administrators.


1993- (annual volumes): The Status of Black Atlanta For 25 years the National Urban League published its State of Black America report shortly after the U.S. President's “State of the Nation” address.  The SCSPP publishes an annual volume which examines the condition of Black Atlanta with a focus on several public policy areas: Business, Education, Employment, Environment, Family, Health, Housing, Job Training, Juvenile Justice, Politics, and Transportation.  Also, special private sector institutions have been examined such as the Church, Civic Organizations, Labor Unions and the Media.  Funding Source: Clark Atlanta University.


1991 - 1994: Leadership Institute for Mayors (LIM) The SCSPP assisted with training and coordination of an annual five day series of seminars and workshops for 60-65 Black mayors from the National Conference of Black Mayors (NCBM).  Funding Source: NCBM.


1992 - 1994: An Evaluation of the Culture for Service Program More than 800 students in the School of Education at Clark Atlanta University were required to participate in community service activities and were placed at various nonprofit organizations.  The SCSPP conducted an assessment of the program for the 1992-1993 and 1993-1994 academic years which relied heavily on a survey instrument administered to all students, faculty and supervisors at the placement sites.  Funding Source: U.S. Department of Education.

1993 - 1994: Surfacing Environmental Equity Concerns (SEEC) in Three Minority Communities Conducted needs assessments in three communities in Florida, Georgia and North Carolina which have environmental problems--one African American, one Hispanic and one Native American.  A model training program was designed to assist with health risk management, to identify priorities and promote effective environmental education and strategies to reduce human health risks in these economically disadvantaged communities.  Funding Source: EPA Region IV.


1994 - 1995: Fulton County Citizens’ Advisory Board on Consolidation of Services/Privatization Examined the operation of Fulton County and 10 municipal governments in the county with a focus on public safety, wastewater treatment and solid waste management.  Coordinated meetings, provided reading materials, facilitated sessions with experts, drafted final report, and assisted in strategy development for the implementation of recommendations.  Funding Source: Fulton County Board of Commissioners.


1994-1995: The U.S. Department of Energy’s Strategy in Response to President Bill Clinton's Environmental Justice Executive Order Consultant to U.S. Department of Energy in cooperation with Argonne National Laboratory and Pacific Northwest Laboratory.  Assisted the agency in developing a strategic plan, setting a research agenda, designing public participation mechanisms, developed criteria for program evaluation, training and implementation of policies necessary to comply with the Executive Order 12898.  Funding Source: U.S. Department of Energy.


1994 - 1996: MARTA Impact Update - TIMP (Transportation Improvement Monitoring Report) Provided research and analysis on the mass transit system's impact on the legal, intergovernmental, planning and zoning, economic, housing, crime and other issues relating to local and state agencies/governments; and their impact on MARTA.  Project was done in collaboration with the Policy Research Center (Georgia State University), the Transportation Research Institute (Georgia Tech) and Morehouse Research Institute (Morehouse College).  Funding Source: U.S. Federal Transit Administration and Atlanta Regional Commission.


1993 - 1996: Operations Management Improvement Program (OMIP) for The Government of the U.S. Virgin Islands Provided consultancy, technical assistance and training for management personnel in five major agencies of the Government of the Virgin Islands.  Primary activities involved conducting a needs assessment, designing training modules, implementing training of trainers, executive management and public sector management seminars, and assessment/ evaluation of training activities.  Funding Source: U.S. Department of the Interior and Government of the Virgin Islands.


1994 - 1995: Atlanta Charter Commission Provided technical assistance, research support, conducted decision-agenda sessions, coordinated public hearings and drafted revisions of several sections of new Charter for the City of Atlanta.  Funding Source: Atlanta Charter Commission.


1994 - 1995: Lead Training and Awareness Project in a Public Housing Complex Provided education and training for tenants of Eagan Homes Public Housing complex and children who attend E.R. Carter Elementary School.  Prepared training modules, conducted a series of workshops on lead and health related issues, disseminated materials, administered pre and post session questionnaires to assess increased levels of information of participants concerning lead.  Funding Source: EPA Environmental Justice Office.


1994 and 1995: EPA-CAU Teachers' Environmental Summer Institute for Middle and High School Teachers Planned and implemented a two-week institute for 40 teachers in the eight state southeast region.  Developed programs of seminars, workshops, lectures, field trips, laboratory exercises and other enrichment activities to assist teachers in infusing environmental issues into their curricula, to conduct community environmental projects and to serve as resource persons for their school system.  Funding Source: EPA Region IV (Waste Management Division.)


1995-1997: Evaluation of Trends in Public Involvement in U.S. Army Operations Affecting the Environment An analysis of trends in perceptions of public interest groups toward environmental issues; content analysis of media representation of activities; impact of laws and public activities on Army readiness training; trends in public policy (environmental legislation, regulations and executive orders; and environmental justice issues.)  Site visits to selected military installations and surveys/focus groups conducted to ascertain views regarding effectiveness of Army community involvement programs.  Funding Source: U.S. Army Environmental Policy Institute.


1995 - 1997: Organizations (NGOs) to Promote Democratization in Nigeria, Strengthening Non-Governmental Environmental Program to enhance leadership and organizational capabilities of NGO’s concerned about environmental issues in Nigeria.  Project involved trip to Nigeria to ascertain NGO’s needs; ten member Nigerian delegation visit to U.S. to meet leaders of environmental groups and government agencies; and workshops/seminars at four sites in Nigeria to assist groups to strengthen their capabilities to impact public and private sector environmental decision-making.  Funding Source: USIA.


1996 - 1997: A Design for An Environmental Assessment and Community History to Achieve Environmental Justice in the Piney Woods/Alton Park Neighborhoods of South Chattanooga, Tennessee A pilot project to increase environmental literacy of residents in these two people of color communities to participate more effectively in the governmental decision-making process and provide technical assistance using a partnership approach.  The South Chattanooga Creek area contains 42 hazardous waste sites and over 3 million cubic yards of waste, 100 times the amount in Love Canal.  Project developed a history and database of information for the community for its use in impacting public policy.  Funding Source: EPA Region IV, Office of Environmental Justice.


1996 - 1997: Implementation Task Force on Consolidation of Solid Waste, Public Safety and Wastewater Treatment Services in Fulton County This project involves providing technical assistance to representatives from 11 political jurisdictions in developing strategies and activities to implement the priority recommendations of the Fulton County Citizens Advisory Committee on Consolidation of Services Report.  Funding Source: Fulton County Board of Commissioners.


1996 - 1998: The Neighborhood Environmental Partnership (NEP) A cooperative effort between the City of Atlanta, the Georgia Pollution Prevention Assistance Division (P2AD), and the SCSPP to achieve environmental justice in communities located in zip codes 30318 and 30336 in the Atlanta area.  An outreach program and dialogue between the industries and neighborhoods is being developed to identify pollution prevention in industry operations with the goal of reaching an agreement. Funding Source: EPA Region IV.


1997 and 1998: An Evaluation of the Southeast Community Policy and Leadership Forum (SECPLF) of the Center for Policy Alternatives The SECPLF is designed to provide African American State legislators with technical assistance, leadership skills training and information regarding public policies of particular relevance to minority and low income persons.  Three major workshops were held in Atlanta, Biloxi and Houston on devolution, environmental justice and model legislation in several policy areas. The SCSPP served as the external evaluator of the first year of this three-year program.  Funding Source: Center for Policy Alternatives.


1997 - 1998: Georgia Coalition for a Peoples’ Agenda (GCPA) This Project involves providing research, writing and logistical support for conferences/meetings; questionnaire design, administration and analysis; and community mobilization support to a broad based coalition of leaders of grassroots community groups, statewide civil rights and religious organizations, and elected officials.  The GCPA hopes to develop a comprehensive, progressive public policy agenda secure commitments of support from candidates seeking statewide political offices and other policy makers, disseminate information throughout Georgia, and mobilize community support of the agenda and candidates committed to it. Funding Source: GCPA


1998: Community Development and Empowerment in Three Communities The purpose of this project is to identify, train and develop a cadre of youth in Brunswick, Glynn county (Georgia) who will serve as resource persons in the environmental area for minority and low income communities in addressing environmental problems related to Superfund sites.  A series of workshops, seminars, simulation exercises, site observation/visits and other activities will provide approximately 50 youth with the capability to provide assistance to residents of three neighborhoods that are suffering environmental injustice.  Funding Source: EPA, National Office of Environmental Justice


1998: Proportional Representation And African American State Legislators This   project involves a survey and a series of focus groups of  the membership of the National Black Caucus of State Legislators (NBCSL) to ascertain their knowledge and attitudes towards proportional representation. This is the first phase of a comprehensive examination of PR as an alternative to the single member district as planning begins for reapportionment/redistricting after the 2,000 census. Funding Source: The Open Society Institute.


1998: The Positioning of Atlanta Technical Institute (ATI) to meet the Human Resource Needs of Atlanta Metro Business in the 21st Century A series of surveys will be conducted of Atlanta area businesses, students, counselors and community leaders to determine their knowledge, views and suggestions for program and marketing of ATI to best meet their needs and enable ATI to adapt its programs and be more responsive to its clientele. Funding Source: Atlanta Technical Institute.


1998-2000: Welfare To Work Program Evaluation The project involves interim and final assessments of the city of Atlanta’s project involving training, transporting, providing technical assistance and job placement to 500 residents of the Atlanta Empowerment Zone.  The SCSPP will use quantitative and qualitative research techniques, including survey instruments with open and closed ended questions, focus groups, observation of training and support services provided and a longitudinal tracking of the participants to evaluate the project over a 30 month period - Funding Source:  U.S. Department of Labor/City of Atlanta PIC.


1998: Small Communities Outreach Project for Environmental Issues (SCOPE) This is a collaborative pilot project with the Department of Public Administration at Clark Atlanta University which involves working with citizens from 10-12 small communities in Georgia to ensure their effective participation in commenting on proposed rules and regulations by the U.S. Environmental Protection Administration.  The National Association of Schools of Public Affairs (NASPAA) coordinates this pilot project.   Funding Source:  NASPAA.


1998: An Analysis of Environmental Issues at Firing/Testing Ranges at Four Army Installations This study examines the scientific/technical and policy environmental problems associated with four selected testing ranges and recommendations/solutions for ameliorating environmental problems.  Policy suggestions will be made that may be applicable to all Army Firing and Testing ranges.  Funding Source: U.S. Army Environmental Policy Institute. (AEPI)


1999 - 2001: Environment, Legislative, Regulatory and Monitoring Program (ELRAMP) This project involves providing the U.S. Army with information/analysis regarding environmental congressional legislation, agency regulations and executive orders which will impact the Army.  Deliverables include a Legislative Weekly Update, detailed case files on key issues, such as UXOs, Diesel Exhaust and Endocrine Disrupters, and developing a web site and an electronic distribution network for dissemination to key personnel in the five major Army commands (MACOMS).  Funding Source: U.S. AEPI.


1999: Survey of Opinions of Residents of Clayton County regarding Water Issues This project involved conducting a public opinion poll of 575 residents in the Shoal Creek and Northeast Water Treatment Plant areas to ascertain their attitudes, knowledge and views concerning several water quality issues and expansion of waste water treatment facilities.  Funding Source: CH2MHILL


1999 - 2000: Evaluation of the Fulton County One-Stop-Shop Welfare to Work Program A comprehensive, systematic assessment of a pilot program to provide a complete life skills orientation, drug screening employment skills training and related support services at a single location for persons on Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) and other poor residents of Georgia’s largest county by a collaborative group of county and city agencies and private sector entities to provide job training and related support services.  Questionnaires, focus groups and monitoring of training classes will be the major research techniques used in the project.  Funding Source: Opportunities Industrialization Center (OIC) of Atlanta.


1999 - 2000: A Preliminary Report on Georgia’s Working Poor An examination of the segment of the population which works full-time jobs, but whose income is below the poverty level.  Tasks involve developing a definition of the working poor, a profile, review of domestic and foreign programs to help ameliorate their economic condition, an analysis of their geographical and industry distribution, and use of survey instruments and focus groups in four geographic economic centers in Georgia to solicit their views on policies and programs to address their condition.  Funding Source: Georgia Department of Labor.


1999 - 2001: An Education and Training Program on Alternatives to the Single Member District Electoral System The project will involve providing an effective education/training program for Black Elected Officials (BEOs) and community civil rights leaders in the South on alternatives to the single member election districts; developing a network of organizations, ranging from the National Black Caucus of State Legislators, National Council of Negro Women, National Organization of Black County Officials, the NAACP and the National Conference of Black Political Scientists and involve them in the project and the 2001 redistricting project; and provide technical assistance to BEOs and other groups to develop redistricting/reapportionment plans at all levels of government.  Funding Source: the Ford Foundation.


2000 - 2001: The Youth Empowerment Project (YEP) A joint project with the Southern Regional Council (SRC) to conduct a 5 year longitudinal study of youth (18-24 years) to ascertain via questionnaires and focus groups reasons for their lack of political participation; develop programs and expose sample cohort group to them and follow-up over a five year period to determine the youth’s levels of political involvement.  The goal is to develop a pilot/model program to enhance youth participation in the political process.  Funding Source: the Knight Foundation and Grant Foundation.


2000: Carver Homes HOPE VI Client Support Project The SCSPP is providing tracking and case management services for the Atlanta Housing Authority’s Carver Homes Hope VI Workforce Enterprise Program (WEFP).  Located a mile south of downtown Atlanta, Carver Homes is currently undergoing a very substantial redevelopment effort involving the construction of 240 new living units in the first phase of construction.  In anticipation of the new construction, all but 80 of the residents originally living at Carver Homes have been moved from the site.  However, it is expected that many former residents will return once the work is complete.  Of the 450 former Carver Homes residents, about 300 between the ages of 18 and 55 are expected to be work-capable, and it is this group that is the prime focus of the case management and personal development support services.  The project’s first year will provide life support services to approximately four cohorts of 10-15 Carver Homes WFEP participants to ensure their social, educational and economic growth as they make the transition into their new mixed income community.  Source: Atlanta Housing Authority


2000 - 2001: Transportation Benefits and Burdens in Atlanta In collaboration with Cambridge Systematics Inc., the SCSPP is undertaking a comprehensive technical analysis of transportation equity issues in the Atlanta region.  The study is to document the historical setting of transportation and uses it as a foundation to examine current transportation related benefits and burdens on minority and people of color communities.  Several qualitative and quantitative analyses will be undertaken.  Qualitative activities include a review of historical and contemporary transit and transportation surveys.  Quantitative activities include Geographic Information System (GIS), analyses of tax assessor records, employment issues, train and bus route geographies, historical land use designation and other analyses. (Source: Federal Highway Works Administration of U.S. Department of Transportation)


2000: Atlanta Elected Officials Compensation Committee (EOCC) The SCSPP performed several tasks under contract by the City of Atlanta’s Elected Officials Compensation Commission (EOCC) to produce salary recommendations for the mayor, city council and school board.  The SCSPP employed an innovative and objective comparative method, which considered current compensation per resident/pupil, budget and employee statistics from a sample of 13 comparable municipalities in the southeastern region.   Other variables included in the analysis were the urban consumer price index (CPI) and cost of living index (CLI). The study served as a guide for making recommendations for salaries for Atlanta city government and the Atlanta School Board.  (Source:  City of Atlanta)


2001: Developing Standards/Criteria for Tax Allocation Districts (TADs) An analysis of the use of TADS, enterprise zones and other economic development tools in Georgia to assist in developing standards/criteria for making decisions on whether to approve requests from developers. (Source: Fulton County Commission)


2001: The Impact of Two Strikes and You’re Out (SB440) on Fulton County’s Criminal Justice System A study to determine the cost of the 1994 state law  on the major criminal justice agencies, such as the Superior Court Judges, County Jail, Trial Jurors, Public Defenders, District Attorney, etc. (Source: Fulton County Commission)


2001: An Analysis of the Impact of Merit Systems Reforms on The Georgia State Workforce: A White Paper An examination of the employment conditions of state workers in the Departments of Corrections, Human Resources and Juvenile Justice. With a particular focus on salaries in comparison with private sector; service delivery imparts, job satisfaction, staffing, promotion opportunities, turnover rates, performance and related issues. (Source: Service Employees International Union (SEIU).


2001: Measuring the Effectiveness of Atlanta Technical College’s (ATI) Programs in Meeting the Needs of its Business Constituency A survey was conducted among 30 representative businesses in five categories to ascertain their knowledge of ATC, their use of its service, level of satisfaction and changes that are needed on marketing to the business sector. The data will be used to develop the ATC marketing strategy. (Source: Atlanta Technical College)


2001: The Status of Africans American in Mobile County Alabama A study of five major conditions (housing, employment, income, business development community reinvestment) facing the black community. Provide demographic and statistical data related to these issues and a summary description of the contemporary situation of African Americans in the second largest county in Alabama. (Source: 100 Black Men of Mobile and City of Mobile.)


2001 - 2002: Emerging Transportation Issues Facing Central Cities and the Contributions of Minority Institution of Higher Education to Resolving Those Issues An effort to develop a partnership and provide technical assistance to Neighborhood Planning Units (NPUs) with common transportation problems that will be assisted to help find solutions. (Source: Federal Highway Works Administration)