Calendar 2003-2004

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Winter 2003

January: Announcement of awards for 2002-2004 student fellowship and faculty research grants.

Spring 2003

March 1: A panel titled “Community Revitalization in Atlanta: Improving Inner City Residents Quality of Life” at the 49th annual meeting of the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) in Atlanta, GA.
April 1-2: Housing Conference at Clark Atlanta University.

Fall 2003

August 16: Special Panel Presentation on “Education and Desegregation in Georgia: Pitfalls and Benefits” at the American Sociological Association (ASA) 23rd annual conference in Atlanta, GA.
September 25: Call for 2003-2005 faculty research papers.
September 16 and November 21: Grant Planning Committee meetings.

 Winter 2004

January 14: Review committee meeting.
February 19: Announcement of 2003-2005 faculty research awards.

 Spring 2004

April 1-2: 3rd annual Conference on "Education Issues and the African American Communit:. 50 years After the 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education."
March 24-28: Special panel presentation on “Alternative Elections System: The Alabama Experience” at the 2004 National Conference of Black Political Scientists (NCOBPs) in Chicago, Illinois.
March: Publication of Dr. W.E. B. DuBois’ monographs with new introductions.
March: Publication of 2003 housing conference proceedings.


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